Prime Timers

Senior adult ministry. Monthly activities, Great fellowship, building great friendships, and opportunities to serve.

Youth Ministry

Each Wednesday night ages 12 to 18 gather for a time of worship and ministry of the word of God. Throughout the year outside activities include, monthly youth nights,youth rally's, two different youth camps and annual trips.

Kingdom Kids

Each Wednesday night three different classes are provided for ages 3 to 12. These classes consist of various activities center around biblical truths.


A nursery is staffed for both services on Sunday and Wednesday Evening services. The nursery is available for infants 0 - 24 months and toddlers ages 3-4 yrs.

Accommodations of orderly fashion and care or extended.

Children's Church

Our Children's Church, ages 5-11, is a Christ-centered and engaging atmosphere where kids can worship and learn about God. The service consists of energetic worship, prayer, and in depth Bible lessons, crafts, and games.